Frigate «L'Hermione»


tip-no-184 | © Bert Schwarz 2022

Frigate «L'Hermione»


Production : logo © 2023

Grotte von Sare | © Bert Schwarz 2023

Lovers of maritime history founded the Hermione-Lafayette Association in 1992 with the aim of faithfully rebuilding a late 18th century frigate in the heart of the historic Rochefort Arsenal. Long preparatory work began, collecting historical sources, reconstruction of plans, search for funding and for a suitable builder...

Grotte von Sare | © Bert Schwarz 2023

The reconstruction of this emblematic 18th-century ship is part of this recovery of a maritime heritage that has shaped and defined the identity of an entire region for over two centuries.

Grotte von Sare | © Bert Schwarz 2023

By the end of the 18th century, France once again had a strong fleet to compete with the Royal Navy. This rivalry can be explained by the economic challenges of the time, which arose from the colonial possessions of both naval powers. The revolt of the 13 American colonies provided the French Navy with an opportunity to harm England. During this time, the French military industry was in full swing. Four frigates were commissioned in Rochefort in 1779 and launched between 1777 and 1780, eventually becoming a fleet of 13 frigates.

Grotte von Sare | © Bert Schwarz 2023

Today, a new future is being built in Rochefort. Programs for seafaring and the revival of old shipbuilding skills in the shipyard of «L'Hermione» have been established. We begin to discover this part of the history of our neighboring country.

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    D-97845 Neustadt
  • +49 9393 999-71