The Culture Space.

tip-no-189 | © Bert Schwarz 2022

Art & Culture

All the values of cultures are shown in their diversity of art. In addition to the importance of the medium, form and context in which art takes on its characteristics, we also consider the importance of socio-cultural and historical influence. Thus, there are different forms of visual expression and perception through the media and the environment. The images refer to the cultural changes and their temporal-spatial meaning - the spirit of the time.

About tips-4-trips

The tips-4-trips travel guide is the digital information brand in the SCHWARZfilm-Media portfolio.
The comprehensive travel guide to Western Europe's most beautiful places looks back on more than 30 years of documentary filmmaking, while the online portal itself celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2025.
t4t is available in English, French and German and offers detailed content, gathered from first-hand experience, to inspire travelers from all over the world. All aspects, from city trips to campsites, from villages to golf and wellness resorts, from attractions to cultural events, are covered, and there are also offbeat stories and suggestions for adventurous travelers.
The site is continuously updated and welcomes an average of 5 million users per month.

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  • Gertraudenweg 8,
    D-97845 Neustadt
  • +49 9393 999-71
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