We appreciate your interest in our website. The protection of your privacy is very important to us. Below we inform you in detail about the handling of your data.

Collection, processing and person-related use

You can visit our site without providing any personal information. We only store access data without personal reference, such as the name of your Internet service provider, the page from which you visit us or the name of the requested file. These data are evaluated exclusively for the improvement of our offer and do not allow any conclusion on your person.


Personal data is not collected with this website.

Reach analysis

This website does not use Google Analytics, or any other web analytics service. We check the reach using the already anonymized data provided by our provider.

Upon request, we will provide you with information about your stored personal data free of charge and without delay. For this purpose, please contact us in writing at

TV im Web GmbH
Gertraudenweg 8
D-97845 Neustadt/M.

or by eMail to office@tvimweb.de